Introducing ... Rock the Voc

Here at STP, we do everything we can to support skilled tradesmen, so we thought – there’s no better way to support the newest generation of skilled tradesmen than by donating to vocational schools with carpentry and electrician programs throughout New England to help to fight against the skills gap. 

Each quarter in 2024, STP will be donating $1,000 worth of brand new tools to a local vocational school in need. By doing this, we are fostering our commitment to Blue Collar Respect, and helping soon-to-be skilled tradesmen enhance their hands-on learning experience at their schools. 

We'll Help You Get These Brands in Your Classroom

Get Ready to Rock the Voc!

Benefits of Applying to Rock the Voc

Receive $1,000 Worth of High-Quality Tools
Have STP Join Your Class to Introduce Open Opportunities
An Enhanced Hands-On Learning Experience
Get Publicity for Your Program Through STP's PR

Who Qualifies to be a Recipient
of the Rock the Voc Donations?

Any vocational school in New England that’s in need of new tools for their students are welcome and encourage to apply below!

Nominate a Deserving Vocational School
